The apostle proves what he had advanced in the last chapter, that the
Jews cannot be justified by the works of the written law, nor by any
works, unless joined with faith in the Messias, their Redeemer. This
he shews by the example of Abraham, who is said to have been justified
by believing; 2. and... [ Continue Reading ]
_If Abraham were justified by works, or by his own works, he might
have glory, and be commended by men, who judge only according to
outward appearances; but not with God: that is, he could not be truly
justified, so as to deserve a reward in heaven, without faith and the
grace of God. (Witham) --- N... [ Continue Reading ]
For what saith the Scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was reputed
to him unto justice. [1] The Scripture, therefore, teacheth us that he
became just by his faith. And as he had this faith by the grace of
God, grace was the cause of his justification, and not any works
without grace. And when it... [ Continue Reading ]
_Now to him that worketh, &c. a reward may be looked upon as due for
his works, and not bestowed upon him as a free gift; but when it is
said he believed and was justified, (this belief or faith was always a
liberal gift of God) and when no mention is made of his works, it
appears that such a justif... [ Continue Reading ]
Abraham, before his vocation, was an idolater, according to Josephus;
(Jewish Antiquities, lib. i. chap. viii.) according to some of the
Rabbins, and as the Scripture itself seems to insinuate, Josue chap.
xxiv; Isaias xliii; Wisdom x; Judith v. He did not then merit his
vocation to the faith by his... [ Continue Reading ]
_As David, &c. That is, David accounted a man happy in being justified
by God's grace, and not by his own works, when he said: " Blessed are
they whose iniquities are forgiven by the mercies of God, and whose
sins are covered; that is, covered so as to be no more, even in the
sight of God. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are
covered. That is, blessed are those who, by doing penance, have
obtained pardon and remission of their sins, and also are covered;
that is, newly clothed with the habit of grace, and vested with the
stole of charity. (Challoner) ---... [ Continue Reading ]
_Blessed is the man to whom the Lord hath not imputed sin. That is,
blessed is the man who hath retained his baptismal innocence, that no
grievous sin can be imputed to him. And likewise, blessed is the man
who, after falling into sin hath done penance, and leads a virtuous
life by frequenting the s... [ Continue Reading ]
_This blessedness, by which a man's sins are forgiven, and his soul
truly justified, was promised, and is given to the uncircumcised
Gentiles, as well as to the circumcised Jews, by the faith and grace
of Christ; as Abraham was justified, when he was in the state of
uncircumcision. (Witham)_... [ Continue Reading ]
In effect, Abraham received circumcision a year only before the birth
of Isaac; whereas he had received the promises and justification more
than 25 years before, when the Almighty caused him to depart from
Mesopotamia. (Calmet) --- Therefore he was justified by faith and
grace, which is common both... [ Continue Reading ]
_And he received, after he was justified, circumcision, as a seal of
the justice of faith, which he had before when he believed.
Circumcision, therefore, in Abraham, was as a seal and testimony of
the justice which he had already by faith: though circumcision was
chiefly given to Abraham and his pos... [ Continue Reading ]
_And might be the father of circumcision. The apostle here tells them
that Abraham is the father of all true believers, uncircumcised as
well as circumcised, and all that believe in Christ, his seed, in whom
God promised to bless all nations, are the spiritual sons of Abraham,
and partake of the ble... [ Continue Reading ]
Of the world, &c. By the world, some understand the land of Chanaan,
which is sometimes meant by the whole earth, particularly in the times
of David and Solomon, when they ruled over the neighbouring nations.
But others think that the apostle alludes to the passage of Genesis,
where the Almighty pro... [ Continue Reading ]
_For if they, who are of the law, be heirs: faith is made void, the
promise is made of no effect. That is, if the Jews, who are under the
law, are the only heirs of the blessings promised, it will follow that
the faith which Abraham had before the circumcision, and before the
law, was of no value, w... [ Continue Reading ]
_For the law worketh wrath, not of itself, nor by the intention of the
lawgiver, but in as much as it is the occasion of greater punishments,
when persons transgress it knowingly. (Witham) --- The law abstracting
from faith and grace, worketh wrath occasionally, by being an occasion
of many transgre... [ Continue Reading ]
There are two kinds of children of Abraham, to whom alone these
promises are made; the one is according to the flesh, the other
according to the spirit. The former of these had no part in the
promises made to him and his seed than the Gentiles, unless they
imitated the fidelity and obedience of thei... [ Continue Reading ]
_Who, against hope, believed in hope, or with hope. That is, Abraham,
against all probability of human hopes, still hoped in God, says St.
John Chrysostom, that he should have a son by Sara: and in this, he
was not weak in faith. Therefore it, that is, is great faith, was
imputed to him unto justice... [ Continue Reading ]
Effete, through old age, _Greek: nenekromenon._... [ Continue Reading ]
The eternal Father delivered his Son to death, to expiate our
offences; he raised him from the dead for our justification. His death
is our redemption; his resurrection is the principal object of our
faith. Our faith in the resurrection, is imputed unto justice, as was
the faith of Abraham in the pr... [ Continue Reading ]