Verse Song of Solomon 2:5. _STAY ME WITH FLAGONS_] I believe the
original words mean some kind of _cordials_ with which we are
unacquainted. The _versions_ in general understand some kind of
The bride’s answer: “As the ‘tappuach’ with its fragrant fruit
excels the barren trees of the wild wood, so my beloved his associates
and friends etc.” תפוח _tappûach_ may in early Hebrew have
been a...
The voice of the bride is heard again in the opening verses of this
chapter; some understand it as meaning the Messiah speaking of Himself
as the Rose and the Lily of the valley, but it is r...
MUTUAL PRAISE AND PRAISE OF LOVE. The bride sets herself forth as the
Rose (_meadow saffron_ or _crocus_) of Sharon (or _the plain_) and the
Lily (_scarlet anemone?_) of the valley. To this the lover...
STAY. Strengthen,
FLAGONS. grape-cakes.
COMFORT. refresh.
OF. with....
Song of Solomon 1:9 Chap. Song of Solomon 2:7. A King's Love despised
In this scene Solomon presses his love upon the Shulammite for the
first time; but in reply to his endeavours to win her she alwa...
In these verses the Shulammite replies, but turns her thoughts away
from her royal lover to her betrothed, and compares him as contrasted
with other young men to a fruitful and shady _tappûach_tree am...
_flagons_ The Heb. _"ashîshôth_means RAISIN CAKES, cp. Hosea 3:1,
and is connected possibly with Arab. _"assasa_, -to found" or
-establish," and so -cakes of pressed fruit." The LXX translate ἐν
STAY ME WITH FLAGONS— Instead of _stay,_ we might render the word
_support;_ and as _flagons_ would be a very improper support on this
occasion, and likewise seem to carry with them a very low idea, w...
TEXT 1:152:6
Description of a conversation between the Shepherd and the
Shepherdess, Song of Solomon 1:15 to Song of Solomon 2:6.
Dialogue: Shepherd, Song of Solomon 1:15
Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.
FLAGONS. Maurer prefers the translation ( 'ªshiyshowt (H809)) 'dried
raisin cakes,' from the Hebrew root ['eeysh] fire-namely, d...
2-7. Songs of the bride: her enquiry and his answers....
She begs her friends to sustain her with cakes of pressed raisins
(RV), such as were given to those who were fainting for hunger (1
Samuel 25:18; 1 Samuel 30:12; 2 Samuel 6:19;...
1. She compares herself to a simple wild flower, the crocus (RM) of
Sharon. The plain, which extended from Joppa to Cæsarea, was
proverbial for its flowers (Isaiah 35:2), and travellers continue to
FLAGONS. — Heb., _ashishôth,_ apparently a dried cake, but of what
substance is uncertain. From the margin of Hosea 3:1, possibly
“grape cakes.” In 2 Samuel 6:19 it occurs as one of the gifts
סַמְּכ֨וּנִי֙ בָּֽ † אֲשִׁישֹׁ֔ות
רַפְּד֖וּנִי בַּ †...
TRUE LOVE TESTED SONG OF SOLOMON 1:1; Song of Solomon 2:1; Song of
Solomon 3:1; Song of So
No Book has been provocative of more controversy than this. The
question at issue is as to its place and value in Holy Scripture.
While there are different varieties of each, the interpretations may
Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.
There is a great degree of earnestness in these expressions, which
evidently shows the mind of the church to be going forth, upon t...
The first six Verses (omitting the second) of chapter 2 (Song of
Solomon 2:1; Song of Solomon 2:3-6) appear to me to be the voice of
the bride. They have been differently understood, but (I think)
STAY ME WITH FLAGONS,.... Of wine, which is a supporter of the animal
spirits w. The church was now in a house of wine, where was plenty of
it; even of the love of Christ, compared to wine, and prefer...
_Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I [am] sick of
Ver. 5. _Stay me with flagons._] Not with cups or bowls only, but
with flagons, larger measures of that wine that was set befo...
_He brought me to the banqueting-house_ The places in which believers
received the graces and blessings of Christ. _His banner over me_ By
the lifting up whereof I was invited to come to him, and to l...
The Bride Protests the Fervor of her Love...
Stay me with flagons, rather, with grapes or raisin-cakes, a
refreshing confection of the Orient; COMFORT ME WITH APPLES, whose
refreshment also was delightful; FOR I AM SICK OF LOVE, her love is so
_ Heb._ straw me with apples...
1-7 Believers are beautiful, as clothed in the righteousness of
Christ; and fragrant, as adorned with the graces of his Spirit; and
they thrive under the refreshing beams of the Sun of righteousness....
STAY ME; or, _support me_; keep me from sinking or fainting. The
spouse speaks this to her bridemaids, _the daughters of Jerusalem_, as
it is expressed, SONG OF SOLOMON 2:7, or to the servants or frie...
Song of Solomon 2:5 Sustain H5564 (H8761) raisins H809 Refresh H7502
(H8761) apples H8598 lovesick H2470 (H8
_ “As the apple-tree among the trees of the wood, So is my beloved
among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, And
his fruit was sweet to my taste. He brought me to the
Song of Solomon 2:5
I. Looking at an apple from a morphological point of view, we find
that it is an arrested branch. Instead of going on to develop more
wood and foliage, a branch terminates in an ap...
Here we have a dialogue of love between the Lord Jesus and his people.
Song of Solomon 2:1. _I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the
Amongst all flowers, there is none that can be com...
Song of Solomon 2:1. _I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the
valleys. As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters._
It is the nature of love to make the thing beloved like itsel...
Song of Solomon 2:1. _I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the
So he is, and much more than that.
«Nature, to make his beauties known,
Must mingle colors quite unknown.»
So rich is h...
We believe that this song sets forth the mutual love of Christ and his
believing people. It is a book of deep mystery, not to be understood
except by the initiated; but those who have learnt a life of...
CONTENTS: The Bridegroom speaks concerning himself and his Bride. The
Bride speaks remembering her satisfaction in her beloved.
CHARACTERS: Solomon, Bride (Christ, Church).
CONCLUSION: Humble souls...
Song of Solomon 2:1. _Sharon_ was a fertile district not far from
Nazareth. 1 Chronicles 27:29; Isaiah 33:9; Isaiah 65:10....
_Comfort me with apples._
The term “apple” is a conventional one. By the ancients it was
applied indiscriminately to every round fleshy fruit. We require to
take into account this extended a...
Song of Solomon 2:4: _His banner over me was love_.
‘His banner,’ דִּגְלוֹ (_diglo_), from דֶּגֶל
(_degel_), a military standard. The SEPTUAGINT and VULGATE read the
word as a verb; the former...
responds, taking up the lovely simile and giving it a very apt and
charming turn, "My love is beyond...
I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys (Song of Solomon
The bridegroom responds.
As the lily among the thorns, so is my love among the daughters (Song
of Solomon 2:2).
The bride...
2 Samuel 13:1; 2 Samuel 13:2; 2 Samuel 6:19; Hosea 3:1; Isaiah 26:8;...
Stay me — Or, support me, keep me from fainting. The spouse speaks
this to her bride — maids, the daughters of Jerusalem: or to the
bridegroom himself. Flaggons — With wine, which is a good cordial.