Mandrakes. Hebrew dodai comes from the same root as dodi, "my breasts or loves," ver. 12. (Haydock) --- It may denote oranges, as mandrakes are not spring-fruits, Genesis xxx. 14. (Calmet) --- Yet (Haydock) married women eagerly sought after mandrakes. Here they may signify such as are fit to gain souls to Christ. (Menochius) --- And the old. Or great abundance, Leviticus xxvi. 10., and Matthew xiii. 52. (Calmet) --- She acknowledges Christ to be the Saviour of all, under the Old and the New Testament. (Worthington) --- A doctor of the Church shews Christ in the prophets, and figures of the law, as well as manifested in the gospel. (Aponius, &c.) (Calmet)

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