Isaiah 26:1-10
THE CHURCH'S SONG OF PRAISE... [ Continue Reading ]
THE CHURCH'S SONG OF PRAISE... [ Continue Reading ]
In that day, at the time of the final deliverance of the ransomed of God, SHALL THIS SONG BE SUNG IN THE LAND OF JUDAH, by the believers who have been preserved by the power of the Lord: WE HAVE A STRONG CITY, namely, the city of God, Psalms 46:4, His holy Church; SALVATION WILL GOD APPOINT FOR WALL... [ Continue Reading ]
Open ye the gates, so the cry sounds down from the heavenly host, THAT THE RIGHTEOUS NATION WHICH KEEPETH THE TRUTH, which was faithful to the Lord and His Word to the end, MAY ENTER IN. All those who keep the covenant of faith are welcomed in the heavenly mansions.... [ Continue Reading ]
Thou, namely, Jehovah, WILT KEEP HIM IN PERFECT PEACE WHOSE MIND IS STAYED ON THEE, the peace of God which passeth all understanding resting upon all those who belong to the spiritual Israel and cling to Him in true faith, BECAUSE HE TRUSTETH IN THEE; and the Lord rewards such trust with a double me... [ Continue Reading ]
Trust ye in the Lord forever, thus the chorus from heaven once more admonishes; FOR IN THE LORD JEHOVAH, the God of salvation, IS EVERLASTING STRENGTH, He is the Rock of Ages, whose strength overcomes all enemies;... [ Continue Reading ]
for He bringeth down them that dwell on high, casting down even the world-powers which presume to oppose Him; THE LOFTY CITY, representing the wickedness of the unbelievers everywhere, HE LAYETH IT LOW, as shown in chapter 21; HE LAYETH IT LOW, EVEN TO THE GROUND; HE BRINGETH IT EVEN TO THE DUST, 25... [ Continue Reading ]
The foot shall tread it down, even the feet of the poor, and the steps of the needy, the very ones who formerly were trodden down by the tyrants of this world.... [ Continue Reading ]
The way of the just is uprightness, that being the basis of his entire conduct; Thou, Most Upright, namely, God, DOST WEIGH THE PATH OF THE JUST, literally, "dost roll his path," thereby making it possible for him to conduct himself uprightly. Thus all glory for the believer's life of sanctification... [ Continue Reading ]
Yea, in the way of Thy judgments, so the new strophe of the hymn begins, O LORD, HAVE WE WAITED FOR THEE, expecting Him to give proof of His justice over against all enemies; THE DESIRE OF OUR SOUL IS TO THY NAME AND TO THE REMEMBRANCE OF THEE, namely, that He would reveal Himself in a deed which wo... [ Continue Reading ]
With my soul have I desired Thee in the night, in the time of affliction, which deprived him of rest; YEA, WITH MY SPIRIT WITHIN ME WILL I SEEK THEE EARLY, confident that the morning would bring a happy deliverance; FOR WHEN THY JUDGMENTS ARE IN THE EARTH, His punishments being intended to call sinn... [ Continue Reading ]
Let favor be showed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness, a righteous, God-pleasing conduct; IN THE LAND OF UPRIGHTNESS, where everything is done in harmony with the will of God, WILL HE DEAL UNJUSTLY, being in no way in sympathy with the ideals of the just and good, AND WILL NOT BEHOL... [ Continue Reading ]
Lord, when Thy hand is lifted up, to punish the foes of His people, THEY WILL NOT SEE, they deliberately close their eyes against the manifestation of His majesty; BUT THEY SHALL SEE AND BE ASHAMED FOR THEIR ENVY AT THE PEOPLE, heaped with disgrace as they see the zeal of Jehovah for His people; YEA... [ Continue Reading ]
Concluding Scenes from the World's History... [ Continue Reading ]
Lord, Thou wilt ordain peace for us, firmly establishing the condition of peace in the midst of His congregation; FOR THOU ALSO HAST WROUGHT ALL OUR WORKS IN US, the believers' life of sanctification being a gift of the Lord and therefore acceptable in His sight.... [ Continue Reading ]
O Lord, our God, other lords beside Thee have had dominion over us, for various despots of the world attempt time and again to tyrannize the believers; BUT BY THEE ONLY WILL WE MAKE MENTION OF THY NAME, for Jehovah has overthrown the tyrants and enabled His children to worship Him as their Lord.... [ Continue Reading ]
They, the enemies, ARE DEAD, THEY SHALL NOT LIVE, they cannot return to their former power; THEY ARE DECEASED, THEY SHALL NOT RISE, the enemies of God cannot hope to be delivered from the everlasting destruction to which they are condemned; THEREFORE HAST THOU VISITED AND DESTROYED THEM AND MADE ALL... [ Continue Reading ]
Thou hast increased the nation, O Lord, Thou hast increased the nation, for the Lord causes the number of His children to grow; THOU ART GLORIFIED, by this act of mercy; THOU HADST REMOVED IT FAR UNTO ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH, for thus far the Church of God, by His own promise, is to be extended.... [ Continue Reading ]
Lord, in trouble have they visited Thee, thus the prophet once more cries out with reference to the night of affliction; THEY POURED OUT A PRAYER, all the more fervent because it is made in secret, WHEN THY CHASTENING WAS UPON THEM, rendering them almost speechless with its severity. This is true to... [ Continue Reading ]
Like as a woman with child that draweth near the time of her delivery is in pain and crieth out in her pangs, so have we been in Thy sight, O Lord. The more unendurable the affliction seemed, the nearer was the time of deliverance.... [ Continue Reading ]
We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have, as it were, brought forth wind, this being ever the result of man's sinfulness, of his life without God, which is all vanity; WE HAVE NOT WROUGHT ANY DELIVERANCE IN THE EARTH, for by their own reason and strength men cannot produce salvation; N... [ Continue Reading ]
Thy dead men shall live, by the power of God's mercy; TOGETHER WITH MY DEAD BODY SHALL THEY ARISE, delivered by the might of God. AWAKE AND SING, YE THAT DWELL IN DUST; FOR THY DEW IS AS THE DEW OF HERBS, the divine glory imparting its heavenly power to the moldering dust of men, AND THE EARTH SHALL... [ Continue Reading ]
Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, hiding while God takes vengeance upon the ungodly, AND SHUT THY DOORS ABOUT THEE, to be secure from disturbance; HIDE THYSELF, AS IT WERE, FOR A LITTLE MOMENT, UNTIL THE INDIGNATION BE OVERPAST, until the judgment of God has gone forth upon His enemies.... [ Continue Reading ]
For, behold, the Lord cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose her blood, reveal the murders committed, AND SHALL NO MORE COVER HER SLAIN, everything being laid open before the eyes of the Judge of the world. Thus the chapter sh... [ Continue Reading ]