Job 1:1-5
JOB'S WEALTH AND PIETY... [ Continue Reading ]
JOB'S WEALTH AND PIETY... [ Continue Reading ]
There was a man in the land of Uz, in Northern Arabia, toward the Euphrates, WHOSE NAME WAS JOB, generally considered a descendant of Aram, Genesis 22:21, and therefore related to the patriarchs, although very distantly; AND THAT MAN WAS PERFECT AND UPRIGHT, his moral integrity and blamelessness res... [ Continue Reading ]
And there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters, a great blessing of God; for children, according to Scriptures, are special gifts of His kindness, Psalms 127, 128.... [ Continue Reading ]
His substance also, that is, his possessions, his wealth, WAS SEVEN THOUSAND SHEEP, AND THREE THOUSAND CAMELS, AND FIVE HUNDRED YOKE OF OXEN, AND FIVE HUNDRED SHE-ASSES, AND A VERY GREAT HOUSEHOLD, very many servants, these being needed to maintain an establishment of such princely magnitude, SO THA... [ Continue Reading ]
And his sons went and feasted in their houses, everyone his day, they observed the custom of celebrating the several birthdays in the family, or some other special holidays, with banquets connected with wine drinking; AND SENT AND CALLED FOR THEIR THREE SISTERS TO EAT AND TO DRINK WITH THEM, for the... [ Continue Reading ]
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, when the annual period of these festivals had come to a close, when everyone of the brothers had arranged and celebrated his feast, THAT JOB SENT AND SANCTIFIED THEM, to atone for probable transgressions by sacrifices of purification, A... [ Continue Reading ]
Now, there was a day when the sons of God, God's own holy spirits, the angels ministering unto Him, CAME TO PRESENT THEMSELVES BEFORE THE LORD, the picture being that of a great monarch who daily assembles his ministers and servants about him, AND SATAN, the great adversary of God and men, CAME ALSO... [ Continue Reading ]
And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? The object of the question was to find out whence the devil was just then coming, what he had most recently been trying to accomplish. THEN SATAN, who is bound in obedience to the almighty Ruler of the universe, although most unwillingly, ANSWERED TH... [ Continue Reading ]
And the Lord said unto Satan, in His omniscience familiar with the evil intent of Satan, HAST THOU CONSIDERED MY SERVANT JOB, literally, "set thy heart upon him," THAT THERE IS NONE LIKE HIM IN THE EARTH, A PERFECT AND AN UPRIGHT MAN, standing out among men both for the piety of his heart and for th... [ Continue Reading ]
Then Satan answered the Lord and said, Doth Job fear God for naught? That is, Dost Thou suppose he is pious and God-fearing without good reason, without reward or profit? Satan's sneering implication was, of course, that Job feared God only because he had been so abundantly blessed with wealth and h... [ Continue Reading ]
Hast not Thou made an hedge about him and about his house and about all that he hath on every side? Under such conditions, Satan implies, it would be an easy matter for any person to make a show of piety. THOU HAST BLESSED THE WORK OF HIS HANDS, AND HIS SUBSTANCE, his wealth, especially that in catt... [ Continue Reading ]
But put forth Thine hand now and touch all that he hath, namely, to smite, to injure, and destroy it, AND HE WILL CURSE THEE TO THY FACE, the form of the Hebrew sentence showing that Satan affirmed his statement as in the case of an oath: Verily, most surely.... [ Continue Reading ]
And the Lord said unto Satan, accepting the challenge contained in his words, BEHOLD, ALL THAT HE HATH IS IN THY POWER; ONLY UPON HIMSELF PUT NOT FORTH THINE HAND. Satan thereby received permission to deprive Job of all his property, of all his immense wealth; but he was not allowed to touch the per... [ Continue Reading ]
And there was a day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house, at one of their customary banquets;... [ Continue Reading ]
Job's Great Affliction... [ Continue Reading ]
and there came a messenger unto Job and said, The oxen were plowing and the asses feeding beside them, grazing in the meadows nearby,... [ Continue Reading ]
and the Sabeans, a nomadic tribe of Northeastern Arabia, FELL UPON THEM, AND TOOK THEM AWAY, took everything along as welcome plunder; YEA, THEY HAVE SLAIN THE SERVANTS, those in charge of the work, WITH THE EDGE OF THE SWORD, sparing none whom they could find; AND I ONLY AM ESCAPED ALONE TO TELL TH... [ Continue Reading ]
While he was yet speaking, before he had even finished his message of misfortune, THERE CAME ALSO ANOTHER AND SAID, THE FIRE OF GOD, evidently a shower of fire and brimstone, IS FALLEN FROM HEAVEN AND HATH BURNED UP THE SHEEP AND THE SERVANTS AND CONSUMED THEM, completely destroying also this part o... [ Continue Reading ]
While he was yet speaking, there came also another and said, The Chaldeans, at that time a nomadic tribe living near the Euphrates, MADE OUT THREE BANDS, attacking in three divisions, AND FELL UPON THE CAMELS, AND HAVE CARRIED THEM AWAY, YEA, AND SLAIN THE SERVANTS WITH THE EDGE OF THE SWORD, sparin... [ Continue Reading ]
While he was yet speaking, there came also another, a fourth messenger of evil, AND SAID, THY SONS AND THY DAUGHTERS WERE EATING AND DRINKING WINE IN THEIR ELDEST BROTHER'S HOUSE;... [ Continue Reading ]
and, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, a violent tornado from the east or northeast, AND SMOTE THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE HOUSE, taking hold upon the whole house or tent at one time, AND IT FELL UPON THE YOUNG MEN, upon all the young people there assembled, AND THEY ARE DEAD; AND I O... [ Continue Reading ]
Then Job, who was more deeply affected by the information of the death of his children than by the loss of his entire property, AROSE AND RENT HIS MANTLE, showing the violence of his grief, AND SHAVED HIS HEAD, another sign of deep mourning among certain ancient nations, AND FELL DOWN UPON THE GROUN... [ Continue Reading ]
and said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither, that is, into the bosom of the earth, from which man was originally made, departing as poor and as helpless as when he came. The Lord, the great Jehovah, gave, from Him had all the blessings come which Job had enjoyed,... [ Continue Reading ]
In all this Job sinned not, not even in questioning God's decrees, NOR CHARGED GOD FOOLISHLY, attributing senseless or foolish acting to God. It is this phase of Job's character, a patient submission to the will of God at all times, which believers should be zealous to copy.... [ Continue Reading ]