These things understood not His disciples at the first; but when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that these things were written of Him, and that they had done these things unto Him.

That Jesus had come as far as Bethany was now generally known in Jerusalem, and when He therefore set out for the capital the next morning, Sunday, a peculiar enthusiasm took hold of the pilgrims. A great multitude of people started out from the city to meet Him. As they went along the road, they took the branches, or fronds, symbols of victory and rejoicing which were borne by the celebrants at the great festivals, and went out to meet the Lord. In joyful exultation they broke forth into the strains of the last Hallel Psalm, thus unwittingly giving to Christ the honor due Him as the Helper and Savior, Psalms 118:25. For these words are a prophecy of Christ: Help, Lord; hail to the King, the Messiah! The entire demonstration was indeed only a momentary exultation. It was inspired by God for the sake of showing His Son the eventual homage which men would have to give Him at the final revealing of His glory, Philippians 2:9. John does not relate the manner by which Jesus obtained the foal upon which He rode down to the city over the Mount of Olives, but calls attention to the prophecy which was thereby fulfilled, Zechariah 9:9. The daughter of Zion is the Church of Christ, the sum total of all believers in the salvation gained through His blood. The King is Jesus Himself, at that time still in poverty and humility, but still a King most mighty. His coming banishes all fear, for it means the subduing of all enemies. Only people must not get the idea that His kingdom is of this world, as a great many modern theological leaders are dreaming. "In His kingdom, in which He is King and Lord, He does not teach how we should till the soil, plow, sow, reap, attend to household matters, collect money, wage war, govern land and people, but places that it charge of worldly kings and lords. For Christ in His kingdom teaches us through His Word that we are poor, lost sinners, condemned to death, subject to the devil; but that He through His death and blood, has delivered us from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil, in order that by faith in Him we should be justified and saved. " Though the disciples of Jesus joined in with the people, led them in the singing in fact, yet they did not understand the meaning of the demonstration at that time; It was only after Christ had entered into His glory, through His Passion and resurrection, that the minds of the disciples, having been illumined by the Spirit from on high, called all these things to remembrance and understood them in the light of the prophecy. Note: A Christian should never be discouraged if the sense of some passage in Scriptures seems to escape him, but should continue his eager quest for knowledge of God. The Spirit of God often opens up the meaning of a passage in a most remarkable way, and never without a resulting comforting and strengthening of faith.

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