And the man Micah had an house of gods, a place where he worshiped, and made an ephod, a garment like that worn by the high priest, with the Urim and Thummim, Exodus 39, and teraphim, small household gods, oracle gods, and consecrated one of his sons, filled his hand, made him his priest, Leviticus 7:37, who became his priest. It was a peculiar situation which obtained in the house of Micah: he and his mother had not openly broken with the worship of Jehovah,-they rather prided themselves upon their being members of His people but their hearts were not wholly with the true God, as the maintaining of this private sanctuary shows. The situation has its parallel in our days, when thousands of men claim for themselves the Christian name and protest their belief in the true God, while still setting up their own private gods, whom they then designate with some high-sounding name to dupe themselves and to deceive others.

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