for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

The form or method of salvation as taught in the Gospel is not only the sole way to get to heaven, but it is also the only method which can be made applicable to Jew and Gentile alike: to be saved by faith. This St. Paul substantiates with a passage from Scripture, a name used throughout to designate the collection of Old Testament writings as in use in the midst of the Jews. It is a sweeping, all-inclusive statement: Every one that believeth on Him shall not be brought to shame, Isaiah 28:16. The two thoughts which the apostle has in mind are here clearly brought out. Whosoever, every one, no matter of what race or nationality he is, no matter what his antecedents have been; there is no difference. And whosoever believes: faith is the one means of securing the blessings of salvation, it is the one condition of acceptance by God. And the apostle explains: For there is no difference between the Jew on the one side and the Greek on the other. So far as their relation to salvation, to its need, and to the method of obtaining it, is concerned, God will accept either one, just as soon as he believes. For the same one, Jesus Christ, is Lord of all, a possessor of riches, of inestimable spiritual blessings and benefits to all and for all that call upon Him. Christ is the Lord and Savior of all believers, and His command of spiritual means and riches is such as to make Him able to dispense the riches of His grace to each and every one, and to all together, that call upon Him in faith, who worship Him as their Redeemer. For that the salvation of their souls is the object of their prayer is evident from the words: Every one that calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. See Joel 2:32. To call upon the name of Jehovah is identical with calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christians call upon, worship, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as that of God. Their worshiping is a fruit, an expression of their faith. And by that faith, expressed in this confession, they take hold upon eternal salvation, they are saved by that Lord in whom they have put their trust. Thus the apostle brings out the universality of salvation, of the fact that it is intended for all men, that the Gospel, therefore, must be proclaimed in the whole world.

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