to God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever! Amen.

It is altogether in harmony with the rich content of the letter to the Romans that Paul closes it with such a remarkable doxology, a veritable effusion of glowing thoughts, interwoven with a beautiful eulogy of the Gospel. He gives all glory to God, to Him that is able to make the Christians firm and constant in faith and holy life. God establishes, confirms, the believers in their faith according to the Gospel; that is both norm and means through which God works. This Gospel, so far as its contents are concerned, is nothing but the preaching of Jesus Christ, who is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, of all true evangelical preaching. The Gospel is further described as being a mystery, namely, the secret concerning Christ and salvation in Christ. It had been hidden, kept secret, unknown and undiscoverable by human reason, from ancient times, from eternity. The counsel of God for the redemption of mankind had been hid in God, Ephesians 3:9, and it had not been made known in its fullness and glory for several millenniums after the creation of the world. But now this mystery has been uncovered, made known, become manifest. Jesus Christ has carried out the counsel of God for salvation, the revelation has been committed to the apostles with the command to preach it to all creatures. And the preaching is being done through the Scriptures of the prophets, the apostles always referring to the promises of the Messiah and demonstrating their fulfillment in Christ. Through the preaching of the Gospel the very writings of the prophets are made clear and are shown to contain glorious Gospel-truths. And so the work of the New Testament ministry is being carried forward according to the commandment of the eternal God, unto the obedience of faith, to work this obedience in the hearts of men, to he made known to all the Gentiles. In brief, the Gospel, revealed in the preaching of the New Testament, is to serve for the salvation of all men. And God, who works faith in Christ Jesus through the Gospel, will through that same preaching strengthen and confirm the believers in faith unto the end. To Him, therefore, who alone is wise, who is the essence of all wisdom, as is shown by His wonderful plan for the salvation of all men, be glory forever and ever, through Jesus Christ, our Savior! Glory be to the Father and to the Son, equal in power, majesty, and glory, throughout eternity! Amen.


The apostle sends greetings, both his own and those of his companions, inserts a warning against false teachers, and concludes with a wonderful doxology

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