Zephaniah 3:1-7
Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, stubborn and full of uncleanness, TO THE OPPRESSING CITY where violence against the weak and downtrodden was the order of the day.... [ Continue Reading ]
She obeyed not the voice, paying no attention to the Lord's admonitions; SHE RECEIVED NOT CORRECTION, the instruction or discipline which was intended to be of benefit to her; SHE TRUSTED NOT IN THE LORD, placing no confidence in His exhortations and promises; SHE DREW NOT NEAR TO HER GOD, she has b... [ Continue Reading ]
Her princes within her are roaring lions, bent upon rapine and murder; HER JUDGES ARE EVENING WOLVES, driven forth by hunger in the evening, their greed being insatiable; THEY GNAW NOT THE BONES TILL THE MORROW, their voracious appetite causing them instantly to devour their victims, laying nothing... [ Continue Reading ]
Her prophets are light and treacherous persons, boastful and faithless knaves; HER PRIESTS HAVE POLLUTED THE SANCTUARY, desecrating the Temple by their neglect of the prescribed sacrifices or by their blasphemous manner in offering them; THEY HAVE DONE VIOLENCE TO THE LAW, simply setting aside the p... [ Continue Reading ]
The just Lord is in the midst thereof, He, the righteous One, having left nothing untried; HE WILL NOT DO INIQUITY, He commits no wrong; EVERY MORNING DOTH HE BRING HIS JUDGMENT TO LIGHT, giving evidence of the justice of all His dealings; HE FAILETH NOT, no blame, therefore, rests on Him. BUT THE U... [ Continue Reading ]
I have cut off the nations, also as an act of warning for Israel; THEIR TOWERS ARE DESOLATE, their walls and fortresses leveled to the ground; I MADE THEIR STREETS WASTE, the roads obliterated, THAT NONE PASSETH BY THEIR CITIES ARE DESTROYED, SO THAT THERE IS NO MAN, THAT THERE IS NONE INHABITANT, a... [ Continue Reading ]
I said, Surely thou wilt fear Me, the kindness and tenderness of the warning being emphasized; THOU WILT RECEIVE INSTRUCTION, if only thou wouldst suffer thyself to be taught!. SO THEIR DWELLING SHOULD NOT BE CUT OFF, HOWSOEVER I PUNISHED THEM, or, "in accordance with all that I had appointed concer... [ Continue Reading ]
Therefore wait ye upon Me, saith the Lord, this merciful invitation being extended to all who will still listen to His words, UNTIL THE DAY THAT I RISE UP TO THE PREY, when He pours out His wrath upon the nations; FOR MY DETERMINATION IS TO GATHER THE NATIONS, to carry out His punishment upon them,... [ Continue Reading ]
For then will I turn to the people a pure language, by purifying their sinful lips and thereby enabling them to call upon Him with pure lips, THAT THEY MAY ALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD, in the true unity of a common faith which is described in John 17 and Ephesians 4, TO SERVE HIM WITH ONE CON... [ Continue Reading ]
From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, from the remotest corners of the earth, MY SUPPLIANTS, those who would worship Jehovah in spirit and in truth, EVEN THE DAUGHTER OF MY DISPERSED, gained for the Lord from the midst of a strange nation, SHALL BRING MINE OFFERING, turning to Him with true worship.... [ Continue Reading ]
In that day shalt thou, the restored Israel, the Church of the New Testament, NOT BE ASHAMED FOR ALL THY DOINGS WHEREIN THOU HAST TRANSGRESSED AGAINST ME, there being no more occasion for such a feeling; FOR THEN I WILL TAKE AWAY OUT OF THE MIDST OF THEE THEM THAT REJOICE IN THY PRIDE, the wicked an... [ Continue Reading ]
I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, one fully conscious of its absolute dependence upon the grace and mercy of the covenant God, AND THEY SHALL TRUST IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, placing all their confidence in Him alone.... [ Continue Reading ]
The remnant of Israel, the nucleus of the Jewish Church, which would become the stock of the Church of the New Testament, SHALL NOT DO INIQUITY, not willfully serve wickedness, NOR SPEAK LIES, becoming guilty of deliberate falsehood, NEITHER SHALL A DECEITFUL TONGUE BE FOUND IN THEIR MOUTH, particul... [ Continue Reading ]
Sing, O daughter of Zion, the Church of the New Testament; SHOUT, O ISRAEL, namely, the spiritual Israel; BE GLAD AND REJOICE WITH ALL THE HEART, O DAUGHTER OF JERUSALEM, for the communion of the saints is established in the Jerusalem which is above. Cf Galatians 4:26.... [ Continue Reading ]
The Lord hath taken away thy judgments, the sentences of condemnation which had rightly been spoken upon her on account of her sins; HE HATH CAST OUT THINE ENEMY, sweeping away the world-power which personified all the hostile forces of the world. THE KING OF ISRAEL, EVEN THE LORD, IS IN THE MIDST O... [ Continue Reading ]
In that day, in the great Messianic period, IT SHALL BE SAID TO JERUSALEM, FEAR THOU NOT, this being the fundamental note of the Gospel-message, as both the Christmas and the Easter stories show; AND TO ZION, LET NOT THINE HANDS BE SLACK, namely, in terror at the prospect of danger and affliction fr... [ Continue Reading ]
The Lord, thy God, in the midst of thee is mighty, not at a dim distance, but in the closest proximity, and powerful to help; HE WILL SAVE, He is the Savior; HE WILL REJOICE OVER THEE WITH JOY, in His delight over the renewal of the marriage covenant between Himself and His Church; HE WILL REST IN H... [ Continue Reading ]
I will gather them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly, mourning far from the festive gathering when the Lord would make His salvation known, WHO ARE OF THEE, they were of the same family and descent, but were now far removed from the visible congregation of the Lord, TO WHOM THE REPROACH OF... [ Continue Reading ]
Behold, at that time, in the Messianic period, I WILL UNDO ALL THAT AFFLICT THEE, dealing with the oppressors according to His justice; AND I WILL SAVE HER THAT HALTETH, heal the limping, AND GATHER HER THAT WAS DRIVEN OUT, those who were dispersed; AND I WILL GET THEM PRAISE AND FAME IN EVERY LAND... [ Continue Reading ]
At that time will I bring you again, the calling of the Lord to join His Church being an act of His mercy, EVEN IN THE TIME THAT I GATHER YOU, in His Church; FOR I WILL MAKE YOU A NAME AND A PRAISE AMONG ALL PEOPLE OF THE EARTH, WHEN I TURN BACK YOUR CAPTIVITY BEFORE YOUR EYES, SAITH THE LORD. The f... [ Continue Reading ]