the Builder's Dedication Address

1 Kings 8:12

Solomon, standing on the great platform within, view of the vast, thronging multitudes, recited tie steps that had led them to that illustrious hour. His whole speech was of God's dealings. Why do we not speak of God more often, as the most important factor in life! It is a blessed thing to trace the connection between what God has promised and what He has fulfilled, 1 Kings 8:15. “The Lord hath performed His word that He spoke,” 1 Kings 8:20. Many of us could say that, and we ought to say it.

Solomon brought out clearly in this address that God took account of David's good intentions. “Thou didst well that it was in thine heart,” 1 Kings 8:18. Circumstances may prevent the execution of a desire and a purpose with which, years ago, our hearts were filled. God, however, will never forget it, and will see that the project is carried out in some other way-perhaps by another instrument. It was well that it was in thine heart to become a foreign missionary, though the need of widowed mother, or the claims of home, rendered literal obedience impossible. Thou shalt have the missionary's place and crown hereafter, for it was in thine heart.

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