Prospered in spite of Plots

1 Samuel 18:22

The affection of Michal for the young warrior suggested a way of luring David into personal conflict with the Philistines. Saul's secret hope was that he might fall a victim to their prowess. David at first took no notice of the royal proposals, because the king had already failed to keep his word; but when the courtiers explained the terms, David accepted the challenge. Saul was playing his game with great adroitness. On the one hand, his attendants genuinely believed that he delighted in David and desired the alliance; while on the other, see his true motive in 1 Samuel 18:25.

Once more Saul was foiled, for, within the appointed time, David secured double the king's requirement, and Michal became his wife. If jealous people would only ponder this story, they would discover the uselessness of setting themselves athwart God's manifest purpose in another's life. See Psalms 7:11; Psalms 7:16, r.v. Don't sulk, don't detract, don't sow suspicions. Take your father's side, you elder brother! Go into the banqueting-hall, salute your younger brother, and enter into the general joy. If you choose the generous course, and affirm it, you will find the joy welling in your heart. Stand your ground in Christ against your unworthy, selfish, lower self!

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