Outward Prosperity without Inward Renewal

2 Kings 14:15

Azariah is elsewhere called Uzziah. See 2 Chronicles 26:1; Isaiah 6:1, etc. The two names mean respectively, “whom Jehovah assists” and “the strength of Jehovah.” After the death of his father, he finished the conquest of Edom by conquering Elath and restoring it to Judah; and this was the beginning of a long and in some respects remarkable reign, though with a sad ending, as we shall see.

The reign of Jeroboam II was the longest and outwardly the most prosperous of any of the kings of Israel; for he regained possession of the land in the north and east which had been lost, 2 Kings 14:25, and made the Syrians tributary, 2 Kings 14:28. During his long reign, Hosea and Amos were sent to Israel, reproving their idolatry, warning them of the folly of relying on foreign help, and foretelling their overthrow by Assyria, if they persisted in their sins. At the same time they did not cease to open the doors of God's forgiveness and mercy, if Israel would repent. God could not forget the time when Israel was a child, and He loved him and brought him out of Egypt, Hosea 11:1. The memory of our early years, with their holy promise, is lovingly cherished by our Father.

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