“The Driving of Jehu”

2 Kings 9:14

Many times in this chapter the question is asked, though in varying tones, “Is it peace?” The horsemen ask it of the furious driver; the king asks it of his captain; Jezebel asks it of the executioners of her son. Is not the human heart always asking the same question? If there is the slightest tremor in the air, the inquiry is at once started, “Will this make or mar our peace?” The heart of man is ill at ease. Deeply conscious that all is not right between itself and God, anxious that its efforts to reassure itself should not be disturbed, dreading lest an earthquake or a flood may detect the foundation on sand, the soul asks eagerly, “Is it peace?”

There can be no peace for man till he has put away the evil things associated with the name of Jezebel. Let us not forget those solemn words of the Holy Spirit, “I have against thee that thou sufferest the woman Jezebel.” We have to do with One who searches the reins and hearts of professing Christians. See Revelation 2:18. We are all in danger of being seduced by the soft caresses of the world and the honeyed flattery of false professors. There is no peace apart from true repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus, Romans 5:1.

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