David's Lament over Abner

2 Samuel 3:31

It was a noble spectacle when David followed the bier of Abner and wept at his grave. He forgot that this man had been his persistent foe, and remembered only his great personal qualities. The chaplet of elegiacs that he wove for Abner's grave, was only second to that which he prepared for Saul's. It is not strange that all the people took notice of it and that it pleased them. We should be particularly careful to disavow all complicity in the evil doings of those with whom we happen to be associated, and to stand clear of the wreckage that floats around us. The honor of God's cause must be dearer to us than life.

The cultivation of a noble and generous spirit, like that which David manifested toward Saul and Abner, is an aim to which we should set ourselves with patient care. It is the outgrowth of years of self-discipline, of prayer, of fellowship with God. Life is too short to allow it to be consumed by evil and vindictive thoughts. Hand over to God all thoughts of retaliation! Certainly you must withstand the wrong-doer, when the weak and defenseless are in jeopardy; but for yourself, love and conquer!

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