Abraham's Death and Burial

Genesis 25:1

After being for sixteen years contemporary with his grandsons, Esau and Jacob, Abraham died without owning a foot of land except the cave for which he had paid, as a stranger might. But all was his. He was persuaded of God's faithfulness, and earnestly reached out his hands toward the City with foundations. See Hebrews 11:13. He was full. Those who had known him in Ur might have looked on his life as a huge failure, and have spoken of him as a fanatic who had sacrificed all for nothing. But he was satisfied. He was gathered to his people, a phrase which does not refer to the body, for his people were far away across the desert, but to the recognition and welcome that awaited him on the other side of death. His sons, Isaac and Ishmael, differed widely. The one dwelled by the well, engaged in pastoral pursuits, while the other lived by his own strong hand, in the desert expanse. But they met in their common respect and grief. Births and deaths unite families. We all stand today in thankfulness at Lincoln's cradle.

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