Joseph Loved and Hated; His Dreams

Genesis 37:1

It is a mistake for parents to show favoritism; but we can hardly wonder at Jacob's partiality for the lad, who reminded him so vividly of the beloved Rachel. Besides, there were a purity and an elevation of spirit in Joseph that stood out in welcome contrast to the coarse brutality and impurity of the others. He was separate from his brethren, Genesis 49:26. The coat of many colors was, as r.v. margin indicates, a long garment of delicate texture, with sleeves, that was the dress of the young princes or nobles, who were not called to the menial toil of the field or household. The dreams of youth are proverbial and prophetic. In this case it would have been wiser for the lad to have kept his secrets locked in his own heart, though it was a tribute to his simplicity and ingenuousness that he must needs disclose them. The suggestion of coming greatness aroused his brothers' sharpest envy, but the hands of the Mighty One upheld the lad, Genesis 49:23.

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