“Besides Me There Is No God”

Isaiah 44:1-11

What gracious promises are given throughout Scripture, not only to God's children, but to their seed! Here the thirsty soul, longing for love, sympathy, God, is promised an abundant supply. See John 4:13-14; Revelation 22:17. But notice the extreme beauty of the further response, which shall be made by the young followers of our Lord:

One shall say, I am the Lord's, Isaiah 44:5. What ecstasy such a declaration causes to a parent's heart! Young friends, do not be satisfied till you have confessed Christ. Say, I am the Lord's. Another shall write on his hand, unto the Lord; that is, he shall dedicate his hand to do God's work in the world.

Oh, to write a similar declaration on every member of our body! Another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord; that is, shall write these words on a blank sheet of paper, and his own name beneath them.

Again we have the conflict with the idols of the heathen, Isaiah 44:6-11. But what chance have their votaries when confronted by the glad and assured testimony of those who have seen the King in His beauty!

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