Jesus Blesses Social Joys

John 2:1-11

The keyword here is signs, John 2:11, r.v. translated in the Authorized Version as miracles. They are windows into the eternal purpose. The Lord loved to join in simple human joys. “He came eating and drinking.” He honored marriage by His first miracle. The wine had to fail, as the earthly and human always must, in order to make room for the eternal and divine.

Like Mary, we are impetuous, and would hasten the divine actions: but God is ever deliberate and waits for the exact hour before He interposes. It is hardly likely that our Lord made one hundred and thirty gallons of wine; but that as the servants drew and bore to the table, the wondrous change was wrought. Our Lord did in a moment what He is ever doing, transforming dews and rain into the nutritive and gladdening juices of nature.

Here was indeed a sign that the Master desired to sweeten and enhance human happiness, and that His influence could transform what was ordinary and common into the joyous and sacramental. It was His glory to show that religion is consistent with ordinary life, and to teach that God increases our joys from less to more, and still more. “The best is yet to be.”

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