Joshua's Obedience to the Lord's Commands

Joshua 11:1

The scene is removed to the waters of Merom, near the sources of the Jordan. Hazor was the capital of the region; Jabin, like Pharaoh, was an hereditary title, Judges 4:2. All the northern nations combined. Joshua's heart might well have failed, had it not been for the divine promise on the night before the battle, Joshua 11:6.

His attack under cover of night was like the falling of a thunderbolt. The effect was immediate. The huge host dissolved. The hocking of the horses disabled them, so that Israel was not tempted to trust in chariots and horses, Deuteronomy 17:16; Isaiah 31:1. God's will was literally carried out. But what a noble record is given of this simple-minded soldier! “He left nothing undone,” Joshua 11:15. It is only as we literally obey that we can count on such success as his. See 2 Timothy 4:7.

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