Jesus' View of Marriage

Matthew 19:1-12

Divorce was common among the Jews of that decadent age, being justified by Deuteronomy 24:1. Concerning this it should be remembered that this legislation, though in advance of the standards of its age, was a distinct concession to the state of morality which had then been reached. You can legislate only slightly ahead of the general maxims and practices of the people, else you discourage them and bring your laws into disuse.

The Lord takes us back to the original constitution of the family, where the one man was for the one woman. The only act that justifies divorce is the act which violates the marriage vow. Some are debarred from marriage by circumstances, but for such there is provided special grace, if they will seek it. Some refuse marriage in order to be more free for their life-work. Christ does not set these above others.

He does not put special honor on celibacy: but in Matthew 19:13-14 places special emphasis on the beauty of family life.

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