Numbered for War; Set Apart for Worship

Numbers 1:1

This book records two numberings of the host; the first, at Sinai; and the second, thirty-eight years after, on the threshold of Canaan. It is also the book of the Wilderness wanderings, and contains the story of journeys, service, and vicissitude. It is therefore a valuable guide book to the Church in her present stage.

For us, too, there is a census. God numbers His jewels. He keeps an inventory of His people. Not one of them is omitted, however weak or unworthy. “In thy book all my members are written.” We must be able to tell our pedigree; i.e., we must be assured of our regeneration into God's family. If we are doubtful about our childship to God, we shall be fit for neither campaigning nor fighting. The secret of failure always lies here. The Levites were not included because, in a very special sense, they belonged to God. He therefore was responsible for their well-being as He is for all of us who are united by faith with Christ-the true Aaron.

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