the “Loving-Kindnesses of the Lord”

Psalms 107:33

The measure changes here. From Psalms 107:33 the psalmist drops the refrain and describes, not deliverance from peril or pain, but the sudden alternations wrought by God's providence. Lands pass from fertility to barrenness, and human lives from prosperity to trouble, and back again. But through all these vicissitudes runs the same loving-kindness, as is clearly discerned by those who have eyes to see and hearts to take heed. How little did Joseph's brethren realize that behind all the strange experiences they had with his steward, in his house, and in the matter of the cup, a brother's heart was yearning to reach a moment when all disguise might be laid aside! Similarly we fail to believe that Love is above and through and in all things.

Life resembles this psalm, so full is it of change and trying experiences. Few enjoy unbroken years of prosperity. We are poured from vessel to vessel, and are forbidden to settle on our lees. Our nests are stirred up to teach us how to fly. For most there is the wilderness, the cell, sickness, and the tossing of the ocean waves. But always believe in the love of God. Do not forget to cry; and when your cry has brought an answer of peace, do not forget to praise.

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