Verse Psalms 119:113. _I HATE_ VAIN _THOUGHTS_] I have hated
סעפים _seaphim_, "tumultuous, violent men." I abominate all
_mobs_ and _insurrections_, and troubl...
I HATE VAIN THOUGHTS - This commences a new portion of the psalm,
distinguished by the Hebrew letter _Samech_ (ס _s_), answering to our
“s.” The word rendered “vain thoughts” occurs only in this
Psalms 119
The Law Written on Their Hearts and the Praise of the Word
This is the longest and most perfect Psalm in the whole collection. It
is an alphabetical acrostic. It is composed of 22 section...
CXIX. PRAISE OF THE LAW. This is the longest and most artificial Ps.
in the whole collection. It is divided into twenty-two strophes, each
beginning with one of the twenty-two letters of the Heb. alph...
THOUGHTS. divided or doubting thoughts. Same root as 1 Kings 18:21
(compare James 1:8); or, them that are of double mind....
I HATE WILD IMAGINATIONS— The original word סעפים _seiaphiim,_
signifies the shootings or branchings of the mind, all wild roving
fancies, (such was the heathen theology) in opposition to the truth
Jehovah's Will in Relation to Human Character and Conduct, celebrated
in Twenty-two Alphabetical Stanzas, and by the aid of Eight
Comprehensive Synonyms.
I hate vain thoughts: but thy law do I love.
I HATE VAIN THOUGHTS: BUT THY LAW DO I LOVE. "Vain thoughts" (as the
antithesis to "thy law" shows) are all thoughts opposed to God's law,
whether subtl...
The longest Ps. and the best example of an alphabetical Ps. There are
in it twenty-two stanzas; each of the 8 vv. of each stanza commences
with the same Hebrew letter. The subject is practically the s...
Psalms 107:150
(113) I HATE VAIN THOUGHTS. — Rather, _I hate men who halt between
two opinions,_ following 1 Kings 18:21, where the cognate noun from
the same root, _to divide,_ appears. Probably we are to t...
סֵעֲפִ֥ים שָׂנֵ֑אתִי וְֽ תֹורָתְךָ֥
Psalms 119:1
IT is lost labour to seek for close continuity or progress in this
psalm. One thought pervades it-the surpassing excellence of the Law;
and the beauty and power of the psalm lie in the un...
Any dealing with this psalm must necessarily be general and not
particular. It has been called the psalm of the Law, not inaccurately;
but the term, "The Law," should be understood in its widest
SAMECH. I hate (a) [vain] thoughts: but thy law do I love.
(a) Whoever will embrace God's word correctly must abhor all fantasies
and imaginations both of himself and others....
After the observations which have been proposed upon the foregoing
portions of this most blessed Psalm, the Reader will not be surprised,
neither, I hope, offended, if I go on to accept this p...
‘I hate vain thoughts.’
Psalms 119:113
I. FIRST, WHAT ARE VAIN THOUGHTS?—(1) There are the vain, worldly
thoughts, which we must hate. Thoughts which in themselves are
perfectly har...
113._I have hated crooked thoughts. _Those who are of opinion that the
word סעפום _seaphim, _the first in the verse, and which is
rendered _crooked thoughts, _is an appellate noun, translate it,
Psalms 119 is in general the law written in the heart. This gives it
an important place in the series of psalms. It is found distinctly
connected too with Israel's sorrows in the last days and their
Ver. 113. SAMECH. I HATE VAIN THOUGHTS,.... Or thoughts: evil thoughts
are undoubtedly meant, no other can be the object of hatred to a good
man; they are such as are...
SAMECH. I hate [vain] thoughts: but thy law do I love.
Ver. 113. _I hate vain thoughts_] Which, though they may swarm in my
head, shall never lodge in my heart, Jeremiah 4:14, for there I have
Psalms 119:113. _I hate vain thoughts_ Or, _wild imaginations_, as
some render סעפים, a word which signifies the shootings, or
branchings of the mind; namely, all wild, roving fancies, in
I hate vain thoughts, literally, "wavering ones I hate," that is,
those who are divided between two beliefs, those who waver in their
loyalty, not knowing whether to turn to God or to false gods; BUT...
_ Samech._ The Need of a Firm Stand for the Truth of God's Word....
89-96 The settling of God's word in heaven, is opposed to the changes
and revolutions of the earth. And the engagements of God's covenant
are established more firmly than the earth itself. All the cr...
SAMECH Ver. 113. THOUGHTS -this word signifies thoughts, JOB 4:13, JOB
20:2, or opinions, 1 KINGS 18:21; which being indifferent to good and
evil, is here taken in an evil sense, for vain _thoughts_,...
Psalms 119:113 hate H8130 (H8804) double-minded H5588 love H157
(H8804) law H8451
hate -...
Psalms 119:113
I. First, what are vain thoughts? (1) There are the vain, worldly
thoughts, which we must hate. Thoughts which in themselves are
perfectly harmless and innocent may become vain through...
Psalms 119:1. _I hate vain thoughts: but thy law do I love._
Presumptuous thoughts, erroneous thoughts, wicked thoughts, foolish
thoughts,-all three David hated. A good man ought to be a good hater,...
The proper way in which to read these verses is to peruse them in the
spirit of prayer, turning every verse into a personal supplication to
God. I do trust that many of us may be so in the Spirit toda...
We will read tonight two of the stanzas which make up the 119 th
Psalm, beginning at the 105 th verse.
Psalms 119:105. _Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my
God's Word is full...
Psalms 119:105. _Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my
We are walkers through the city of this world, and we are often called
to go out into its darkness; let us never venture t...
CONTENTS: The excellency and usefulness of the divine revelation set
forth and exhortation to all to make it their meditation and to be
governed by it.
CHARACTERS: God, Psalmist.
CONCLUSION: Great b...
That David was the author of this psalm, no one ever doubted. It is
divided into twenty two octo-distichs, having a letter of the Hebrew
alphabet at the head of each distich; and the couplets are most...
_I hate vain thoughts: but Thy law do I love._
I. The hated. “I hate vain thoughts.” The number of these is
legion, the variety all but endless. Vain thoughts may include
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 119:1. This psalm celebrates the gift of
God’s law as the perfect guide for life. Its theme is echoed in
Psalms 19:1 and in such wisdom psa
PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 119:113 DOUBLE-MINDED. See 1 Kings 18:21. These
are people who should be devoted to the Lord but who allow their
loyalties to be divided. The s
1. Date and authorship. Some ascribe the authorship to “David,
before his accession to the kingdom, in exile and peril (Psalms 119:9;
Psalms 119:23; Psalms 119:46;...
This is an "alphabetic psalm" of a more stringent character than any
other. It consists of twenty-two stanzas, each of eight verses, every
verse in each stanza beginning with its own proper...
Now as we get to Psalms 119:1-176, it is an extremely difficult psalm
for exposition, because each section seems to be more or less
independent of in itself, and each verse, many times, almost
2 Corinthians 10:5; Isaiah 55:7; Jeremiah 4:14; Mark 7:21; Psal