“Magnify the Lord with Me”

Psalms 34:1

The event associated with this psalm is recorded in 1 Samuel 21:1. It was not a very creditable incident. David, however, realized the goodness of God, notwithstanding his own failures and mistakes.

In the original the verses begin with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Psalms 34:1 : At all times… continually. It is a sign of great grace to bless always, in dark as well as bright days.

Psalms 34:3 : “Birds,” says Trapp, “when they come to a full heap of corn, will chirp to call their fellows.”

Psalms 34:4 : All the time David was feigning madness, his soul was going out to God in prayer.

Psalms 34:7 : Compare Acts 12:6.

Psalms 34:8 : Some experiences must be enjoyed to be understood. There are not words adequate to tell of them.

Psalms 34:10 : “We will leave thee nothing!” said plundering soldiers to a widow. “I care not,” returned she. “I shall not want so long as God is in the heavens.” Columba-an early Celtic missionary-spent his last afternoon in transcribing this psalm, saying when He reached Psalms 34:10: “I will stop here. The following verse will better suit My successor.”

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