“The War of the Great Day of God”

Revelation 16:10

All these judgments apparently refer to the destruction of those great systems of falsehood and apostasy which set themselves against the truth and purity of God. The dragon, beast, and false prophet are the devil's mimicry of the divine Trinity. The dragon corresponds to God the Father in delegating His authority; the beast, like our Lord, is crowned with diadems, Revelation 13:1; Revelation 19:12; the false prophet directs attention to the beast, as does the Holy Spirit to Christ.

The mystery of iniquity will make one last effort to obtain the empire of the world, seeking to effect its purpose through a human confederacy. When that confederacy has reached its climax of effrontery, the coming of the Son of God is near; hence the need for watchfulness and purity, Revelation 16:15. Armageddon is the mountain of Megiddo, in the plain of Esdraelon. See Joel 3:2; Joel 3:12; Joel 3:14; also Zechariah 12:11. The great city symbolizes the apostate Church, or professing Christendom. The true Bride is away from these judgments, awaiting the manifestation of her Lord.

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