“Hold Fast Till I Come”

Revelation 2:18

Note that Jesus does not hesitate to appropriate the sublime title- the Son of God. His eyes penetrate profoundest secrets, and His advent leaves a trail of purity like fire behind Him. He recognizes the many good qualities of His church at Thyatira, but accuses her of having raised no protest against the woman Jezebel. She had actually permitted the promulgation of soul-destroying error, with most disastrous results.

This Jezebel apparently taught that there were deep philosophies in the heathen system around them, and the result was that the professing servants of Christ were led into complicity with the outward corruption of heathendom. An evident attempt was being made to graft on to Christianity the mysteries of darkness, which were in direct antagonism to the purity of the teachings of Christ.

Notice the contrast between her works and my works, Revelation 2:22; Revelation 2:26. The saints who are true to Christ shall be associated with Him in His Kingdom, but best of all they are made to possess the Morning Star, that is, they now stand with their Lord in the dawn of a new era. Already the day has dawned and the Day Star has arisen in their hearts, 2 Peter 1:19.

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