The cycle closes with the final call of the prophet, and the promise of Jehovah. The call was to the people to return, because by iniquity they had fallen. The method suggested was to bring the words of penitence, forsaking all false gods, in confidence that mercy would be found in Jehovah. To this Jehovah answered in a message full of hope, declaring, first, that He would restore, because His anger was turned away.

Then in a passage full of exquisite beauty He announced His detennination to renew His people and the surrounding nations. He would be as the dew to Israel, which thus would be made fruitful again, and they that dwelt under His shadow would enter into the blessedness. In response to this Ephraim is represented as breaking out into speech which is the language of full and perfect reinstatement.

The prophet closes with a brief word which constitutes an application of the teaching of his message for all time, affirming the ways of Jehovah to be right, and the destiny of man to be determined by his relation thereto.

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