No details of the unfaithfulness of Gomer are given, but in the second movement the prophet is seen nursing his own agony, and by that process learning the true nature of the sin of his people as God knew and felt it. All that Hosea said concerning Gomer was also the language of Jehovah concerning Israel. As she had violated her covenant with him, so had Israel with Jehovah. He charged her with the worst form of infidelity, harlotry, which is sinning for a price; and apparent in the charge is the mingling of the awful anger of wounded love, with a suggestion of pity and mercy.

In the latter part of this section the prophet speaks for Jehovah only, the tragedy in his own life being the background of illustration. The divine attitude was severe and tender. Jehovah would hedge up the way of His peopIe, and their vain search after the fruits of harlotry is graphically described. In tenderness He would lead them to the wilderness, speaking to their heart, and in the valley of Achor open before them adoor of hope. The prophet's coddence in this method is manifested in his prediction that Israel would yet answer, as in the days of her youth, that her betrothal to Jehovah would be forever, and that she would be described as Ruhamah instead of Loruhamah, as Ammi instead of Loammi.

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