We now commence the second circle of the first division of our book,
in which are contained Isaiah's prophecies concerning the nations and
the world. The first describes the doom of Babylon. Whereas the word
"Babylon" occurs here, there is no doubt Assyria is in view. The
prophecy concerning Babylon... [ Continue Reading ]
Anticipating the great day of restoration, the prophet puts into the
mouth of Israel the great parable or song which celebrates the
downfall of Assyria. This moves in five distinct strophes. In the
first (verses Isa 14:4-8), the deliverance wrought for the whole earth
through the overthrow of Assyri... [ Continue Reading ]
In this section we have three prophecies: concerning Assyria Isaiah
14:24), concerning Philistia Isaiah 14:28), and the commencement of
one concerning Moab (15). This fragment concerning Assyria consists of
the reaffirmation of Jehovah's intention to break its power. The oath
of Jehovah is declared,... [ Continue Reading ]