Following this broad statement of the case between Jehovah and His people, we have the prophet's great appeal to them. The first part constitutes a vision of the latter days, that condition toward which judgment is to proceed. The Lord's house is established at the center of the national life. His law proceeds from Zion to the peoples of the earth. and the issue is peace.

The prevalent conditions are seen in the light of that latter day, and the prophet appeals to the people to walk in that light. In burning words he describes these evil conditions. The people have become contaminated with the surrounding nations. They are wealthy, and prosperous in all material things. They are steeped in idolatry, and consequently human life, both low and high, is degraded. In order to realize the vision of the latter days, Jehovah will visit His people in judgment. His terror is described in itself and in its operation. As He goes forth in judgment men of all classes are subdued and bend before Him, and the wholesale destruction of idols follows. This description of prevalent corruption and judgment ends with another appeal that it cease.

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