In these last Chapter s of the second circle, the prophet takes a still wider outlook. He sees how all the world is under the government of God. In this chapter the prophet states the fact in general terms, and describes a worldwide desolation determined on by Jehovah. This determination is first declared. Jehovah has spoken the word. After having stated this, the prophet describes the visitation following on this determination. The earth itself is seen to mourn and fade away, devoured by a curse, while all mirth ceases. The city is desolate. As the prophet looks out on this terrible scene, he seems to hear some note of hope. Somewhere the voices of singers are heard. The hope gives way to despair as suddenly as it appears, for there is nothing before the prophet's vision save judgment and desolation. The prophecy of world-wide judgment ends with the declaration that it will be the act of Jehovah, and will issue in His perfect victory.

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