This chapter constitutes the last section of the division dealing with the purpose of peace. It is a great appeal to the people. It first describes Jehovah's methods (verses Isa 48:1-11). He has had to do with a failing people, a people mentioning His name, but not in truth. His method has been that of prophecy and swift performance on account of their obstinacy, and to prevent them attributing to idols the things wrought by Jehovah. All this He has done for His own name's sake.

This method is illustrated in the calling and coming of the great Servant. The purpose of God is finally set forth. He teaches the people to profit, and the ultimate intention of His teaching is their peace and the abounding of their righteousness. Moreover, notwithstanding their failure, He is the God of redemption, and the prophecy reminds them of how He had led them through deserts, and out of rock had provided waters. The section ends with the declaration: "There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked." While His purpose is peace, they are thus solemnly warned that it cannot be realized in their experience while they persist in wickedness.

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