Continuing, the prophet makes confession of moral failure. This he does first by declaring the reason for national suffering. It is not to be found in Jehovah's inability, nor in His unwillingness. The iniquities of the people have separated them and their God.

In a terrible passage, the prophet confesses the appalling corruption, and immediately describes the suffering which followed, the groping in the dark, even though it is noonday; the longing for a salvation which does not come, all of which results from the people's own transgression, as the prophet clearly declares.

Having thus shown that all the suffering of the people resulted from their own sin, and made it evident there must be a return to God if there is to be a return to peace, the prophet now describes how restoration will come. It is to be wholly a victory by Jehovah. It is based on His knowledge of the people's sin, and on the fact that they are unable to provide an intercessor. It is the result of His own action. His arm brings salvation, and necessarily His first work is judgment. Finally, a "Redeemer shall come to Zion," and the results shall be the creation of a new spiritual covenant.

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