Elihu began his direct appeal to Job by asking his attention, assuring him of sincerity in motive, and finally declaring that he spoke to him as a comrade, not as a judge, or one who would fill him with terror.

Commencing his argument, he first quoted from what Job had said. In his speeches he had declared that God had dicted him unjustly, that God was hostile to him and gave no explanation of His method. Proceeding to his answer, Elihu declared that God is greater than man, and therefore that man has no right to ask explanation. This, however, was not all. God does answer. He speaks "once, yea, twice"; and Elihu proceeded to name two ways in which God speaks, first "in a dream," or "vision of the night." Moreover, His purpose in so doing is that He would rescue man rather than destroy him. There is another method. It is suffering. While Job had been complaining that God was not to be found, and had no dealing with him, Elihu suggested that all his affliction was the method of the divine dealing. What he had needed had been an angel or a messenger, an interpreter. If one could be found, then it would be understood that God is gracious, and again man would be restored and would rejoice in his restoration.

It is most likely that Elihu looked upon himself as the necessary interpreter, and here the main contention of his argument took shape. It is that through suffering God is dealing with men to some higher issue. According to this argument, suffering is educational. Elihu ended his first movement by challenging Job to hear him while he spoke, and to answer him if he had anything to say. If he had nothing to say, then he was to be silent while Elihu continued.

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