This is a song of the singer's confidence and appeal in circumstances of the most trying description. He is persecuted by enemies, some among them being violent and cruel. The basis of their attack would seem to be some charge of wrongdoing they make against him. He vehemently denies the charge and cries to Jehovah for vindication, which he firmly believes the God who tries the hearts of men will surely grant.

In the first part of the psalm the story of personal need is told. The ruthlessness of the foe is the reason for his appeal. The declaration of personal innocence follows. If the charges were true, then would the heaviest judgments be just. They are untrue, as God is witness. Then let Jehovah appear on behalf of the innocent against the guilty.

Then follows the general affirmation of the equity of God on which the singer builds his confidence. God is righteous. The way of wickedness cannot prosper. It creates its own destruction. The pit digged is the grave of the man who digs it. The mischief and violence meditated return as retribution on the evildoer. The psalm is a song of confidence in the reign of God in equity over all men, and the consequent certainly that innocence will be vindicated in this particular case. Thanksgiving is according to Jehovah's righteousness.

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