Wells of Living Water Commentary
Joshua 24:1-18
Joshua's Farewell Words
Before Joshua died he reviewed the history of Israel and in so doing he brought out the four great patriarchs who were so prominently aligned to Israel's call and life.
1. There is the remembrance of Abraham. The Bible has, in the New Testament, many backward glances at the life and words of Abraham. The Jews delighted in saying, "We have Abraham to our father."
Abraham was a great and worthy follower of Christ. Christ said of Abraham, "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day: and he saw it, and was glad." He was known as 'The Friend of God."
When Abraham was old and well stricken in years he sent his aged servant of Damascus to seek a bride for his son, Isaac, with the same faith in God that he had manifested when, in his youth, he left his home to go out into a way that he knew not. He said to his servant, "The Lord God of Heaven, which took me from my father's house, * * and that swear unto me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land; He shall send His angel before thee."
Thus it was that Abraham believed God. He lived, looking for a City whose Builder and Maker is God. He reckoned himself as but a stranger and a pilgrim among men. Before he died he gave all that he had unto Isaac, because Isaac was a child of promise, and an heir to all that God had promised to Abraham.
It is good to keep before us therefore such an one as Abraham, the servant of the Lord, who became known centuries afterward by the Church as an exemplar of faith.
2. There is the remembrance of Isaac. Isaac may not have reached the zenith of his father's faith or faithfulness, however, he was a servant of Jehovah and died as he had lived, faithful to the promises of God. Therefore it is written, "By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come."
Isaac was blessed with much riches because he followed God, and obeyed Him, dwelling where God told him to dwell.
When the time came for Isaac to die Jacob came unto him in the plain of Mamre (the place of fatness), where both Abraham and Isaac had sojourned, and there Isaac died full of years and was buried by Esau and Jacob.
3. There is the remembrance of Jacob. What a marvelous life was Jacob's. He was, for a while, a "supplanter," and a maker of contracts, yet withal, he lived and died as a true worshiper of God. Joseph was his greatly beloved son, because Joseph was so true to Jacob's Lord, and walked by faith.
When Jacob came to die at a good old age, he called his twelve sons around him, and, in blessing them, he spoke words which will live through all ages as exemplars of a great faith, and large vision.
4. There is the remembrance of Moses. We would like to speak of Joseph and of his seed. We must, however, hasten to Moses, as the great deliverer of Jacob's twelve sons, and of the race which bore the name "Israel," after God had changed Jacob's name on that memorable night when God strove with him, and conquered him.
Moses was one of God's great men. The Bible gives an epitome of his life: "By faith Moses * * refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures, of sin for a season." God honored Moses' faith, and Moses led the Children of Israel out of their land of captivity. Through forty years of wilderness journeyings he proved himself faithful to God and the people. When at last he gave his final message, he demonstrated an unwavering trust, and gave a faithful testimony.
1. We are called out of the world. In Joshua 24:2 Joshua had made mention of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses. Now he begins to emphasize God's call of separation. Here are God's words (Joshua 24:6): "I brought your fathers out of Egypt."
Egypt, in the Word of God, stands for the world. We have just suggested how Moses left Egypt. Here is the way Hebrews 11:1 reads: "By faith he. (Moses) forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king." Egypt was the place where Moses could have enjoyed the pleasures of sin, where he could have been made rich with worldly treasures, Moses, however, esteemed the reproach of Christ as greater than Egypt's riches, and affliction with the people of God as greater than Egypt's pleasures.
The reason for it all was that Moses looked beyond the pleasures of this world, and saw Him who was invisible.
2. We are not of the world. Abraham and Isaac and Jacob gave us real examples in separation. We read of Abraham that he dwelt in "a strange country, * * with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise." He confessed himself a tent dweller because he looked for a City whose Builder and Maker is God. He was in the world, but he was not of it. We, too, are not of this world, although we are in it.
We should set our affections on the things above, not on the things beneath. Our citizenship is in Heaven, and our treasures should be there. We are other-worldly.
3. The world hateth us. If we were of the world, the world would love its own; but because we are not of the world but are called out of the world, therefore, the world hateth us. The word "church," ecclesia, means "called out." Alas, alas, when we find a church mixing and mingling with the world!
1. It would keep us from our rightful inheritances. The Children of Israel had come up to the Red Sea, and then the Egyptians pursued after them with chariots and horsemen. Joshua is reminding them of these things that they might realize that Satan, if possible, would now keep them from inheriting all of the land.
This is true today. It is written: "The God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ * * should shine unto them" and convert them.
The believer's blessings are described in the Epistle to the Ephesians as being in the Heavenly places. At the close of that Epistle we are plainly reminded that we have a conflict in the Heavenlies against Satan and against his hordes. Satan will rob us of every blessing which is ours in Christ, if we will allow him so to do.
2. It would spoil our spiritual testimony. Had the Children of Israel refused to follow Joshua into the land, then they had lost their testimony to the power and glory of the Christ whom they served.
We need, as Christians, to remember that we are giving testimony not only to men, but before principalities and powers. When, in the early history of Joshua's leadership, the Children of Israel were defeated at Ai, Joshua cried out unto the Lord, "What wilt Thou do unto Thy great Name?" We wonder if the Christians of today have not spoiled their testimony by their frequent defeat before the powers of darkness. For God's sake we must press through to victory.
3. It would rob us of our fellowship with God. Here is a picture, darker in its consequences than the other. To be kept from our rightful inheritance, is sad; to lose our spiritual testimony is sadder; but to be robbed of our walk with God, is the worst of all. Whenever saints refuse to go through with their Lord, they lose His smile and forfeit His fellowship. If, however, "we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another."
1. A victorious deliverance. When the Children of Israel, in crossing the Red Sea, saw Pharaoh With his chariots and horsemen in pursuit, they were filled with fear. Then they cried unto the Lord, and the Lord put darkness between them and the Egyptians, and brought the sea upon the enemy, and covered them. Thus they were delivered with a mighty deliverance.
We can remember the time when we were delivered. The powers of darkness sought to carry us into eternal night, but we cried unto the Lord and He heard our voice. It was a happy day, when Christ's victory on the Cross became our victory, and the principalities and powers which sought to slay us were overwhelmed. Christ's triumph became ours.
2. A wilderness testing. There is a tremendous statement in Joshua 24:7, "Ye dwelt in the wilderness a long season." That season was a period of testing. Oftentimes their feet had well nigh slipped. More than once they lusted after evil things; they tempted God; they murmured; and they were overthrown in the wilderness.
How many times during the period of our testings do we fall, and often fail! We are buffeted, cast down, and all but overthrown. Beloved, let us fear lest we fall after the same manner of unbelief. If the Children of Israel lost their Canaan, we also may lose our Millennial rest. It is one thing to be saved and to inherit eternal life this is all by grace: it is another thing to be more than conquerors, and to inherit the Kingdom.
3. A glorious possession. At last the Children of Israel went into the land and God gave the nations into their hands. Beloved, it will be a glorious day when we too enter into those things which God hath promised to the faithful who overcome in His Name.
1. A tented people. The Lord through Joshua goes on to remind the Children of Israel concerning Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab, who arose and warred against Israel, and who sent and called for Balaam to come and curse them.
When we think of Balak and Balaam we remember Balaam's words: "How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, and thy tabernacles, O Israel!" Thus, Israel was a tented people. They were wanderers, journeying through earth's wilderness. Are we not the same?
2. A troubled king. When Balak saw Israel he was troubled. He warred against Israel, but to no avail. He sought to have Balaam curse Israel, but God took hold of Balaam's lips and caused him to bless instead of curse.
Whenever the people of this world fight against God they find themselves overcome. The kings of the earth may gather together against the Lord and against His Anointed, but He who sitteth in the Heavens will laugh at them.
3. A bungling prophet. Balaam sinned, first of all, in accepting Balak's invitation to come down to curse the people of God.
Balaam sinned the second time when he rejected the warning, of God, as an anger withstood him in the way, and went on to fulfill Balak's request.
Balaam sinned the third time in that he cared more for honor and riches than he cared to please the Lord. It was Balak's pledges of advancement that appealed to the prophet Balaam sinned the fourth time when, hindered by God in his effort to curse Israel, he advised Balak to marry and intermarry with the Israelites until God Himself would curse them. God pity the present-day Balaams.
1. "By the mercies of God." After God had rehearsed before Israel His mercies in their behalf, Joshua said: "Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve Him in sincerity and in truth." Our minds go to the 12th chapter of Romans where it is written: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."
The appeal in Romans 12:1 is the same as the appeal in Joshua 24:14
2. "Be not conformed to this world." The second thing we find in Joshua 24:14 is this statement: "And put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt." The second thing in Romans 12:1 is: "And be not conformed to this world." In both cases the appeal is the same. There is first the call to consecration by "the mercies of God." There follows the appeal to nonconformity to the world.
If we are going to serve the Lord in all sincerity, we must refuse to listen to the voice of men, for no man can serve two masters.
3. "Be ye transformed" unto God. The third thing in our verse is: "And serve ye the Lord." The third thing in Romans 12:1 is: "Present your bodies a living sacrifice." When we have brought our all to Christ on the one hand, and separated ourselves from the world in nonconformity on the other hand, then we are ready to enter into the service of our Master.
The 6th chapter of Romans calls upon us to yield not our members as the instruments of unrighteousness unto sin, but to yield them as the instruments of righteousness unto God.
1. "No man can serve two masters." Joshua 24:15 is one of the greatest decision verses, in the Bible. It reads: "If it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve." With them it was either service to the gods of the Amorites, or else it was a service unto the Lord.
Jesus Christ taught plainly that no man can serve two masters, for, either he will love the one and hate the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Christ also said: "He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad." There can be no middle-of-the-roaders in the camps of Jehovah.
2. "How long halt ye between two opinions?" Our mind now goes to another matter: the Prophet Elijah's call to the Children of Israel in a later day. Elijah said unto all the people: "How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him."
If we cannot serve two masters, we need immediately to make up our opinion as to which one we will serve. The day in which we live proffers no change. We must make our decision. If the God of our fathers is the True God, let us quickly put upon ourselves the priestly robes, and acclaim ourselves His servants. If the devil is the true god, let us follow him.
3. "To day if ye will hear His voice." God calls for not only a decision, but for an immediate decision. It is today, and not tomorrow when we are told to make our choice. Joshua used these very words, in Joshua 24:15, when he said: "Choose you this day whom you will serve."
Make your decision without delay. We trust that your choice will be a true-hearted, full-fledged service to God.
1. The Lord is God. Here is a willing acknowledgment. The people said: "Therefore will we also serve the Lord; for He is our God." Do we need further proof that our Lord is God? Perhaps one reason that many professors in the churches of today are so lax in serving God is because they are so weak in their assertion that the Lord is God. The spirit of the age is a spirit which seeks to humanize Christ and to Deify man.
The Lord Jesus is being robbed of His Deity on every hand. Thus the world needs a renewed vision of the Son of God. He is either very God of very God and all that He claimed as God, or else He is the greatest imposter who ever walked among men. For our part, we acclaim Him God.
2. The Lord drave out all the people. Our verse not only acknowledges the Lord as God, but it also acknowledges Him as a God who loves and cares. Our key verse says: "The Lord drave out from before us all the people, even the Amorites which dwelt in the land."
Are we not willing to acknowledge that our God is also our Conqueror? Has He not gone before us to Calvary, and met the enemy? Has He not saved us by His power? Has He not watched over us, and cared for us by the way? In all of this we have another reason for acknowledging Him, and serving Him.
3. The Lord brought us out, and up. Here is a glorious conception which is set forth in Joshua 24:17, "The Lord our God, He it is that brought us up and our fathers out of the land of Egypt." Thank God that He did not only bring us out, but He brought us up. He not only saved us out of Egypt, but He led us into His rest.
Abraham came out of Ur of the Chaldees, he also came into the land which God gave him. No matter from what God saved us, and from what He calls us; He always leads us into something better, something higher, and something holier.
George Muller has given us a beautiful resume of his own dealings with God, that will fit in well, as we study Joshua's farewell words.
"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee" (Psalms 55:22).
"It is not only permission, but positive command that He gives us to cast the burden upon Him. Oh, let us do it, my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, * * Day by day I do it. This morning again, sixty matters in connection with the church of which I am pastor, I brought before the Lord, and thus it is day by day, and year by year; ten years, twenty years, thirty years, forty years. And now, my beloved brothers and sisters, come with your burdens, the burdens of your business, your profession, your trials and difficulties, and you will find help. Many persons suppose that it is only about money that I trust the Lord in prayer. I do bring this money question before the Lord, but it is only one out of many things I speak to God about, and I find He helps. Often I have perplexity in finding persons of ability and fitness for the various posts I have to have supplied. Sometimes weeks and months pass, and day by day, day by day, I bring the matter before the Lord, and invariably He helps. It is so about the conversion of persons; prayer, sooner or later, is turned into praise. After a while God helps. It is so about the needs of our work in sending out tracts and books, and missionary efforts. After a while God helps. We're never left, we're never confounded.