‘But to us God has revealed them through His Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.'

For at this end of the ages the Spirit has been poured out from above to illuminate the church of Christ, all who truly believe in Christ, and He has revealed to God's people (‘to us', emphasised by its position) the things hidden from the ages, what God has foreordained for them through the crucified and risen Messiah, and through the power of His work accomplished on the cross, which has revealed and brought into effect the divine power as never before. For nothing is hidden from His Spirit. He searches all things, yes, even the deepest secrets of God.

The personality of the Spirit comes out here, for He is depicted as searching out in order to reveal. When we speak of ‘searching', however, the point is that He searches it out along with us. He is not seeking new truth for Himself. He knows all truth. He is searching it out so that God's people may receive it and understand it. He searches in and through us.

‘Deep things.' ‘Bathos'. Used of the depths of the sea and of the depths of divine knowledge. What was in the depths of the sea was beyond man's wisdom and knowledge. It was a secret, hidden, unreachable place beyond his scope. The sea was a mystery which man could not penetrate. And so the divine wisdom and knowledge was also totally beyond man's ability to know or understand. But the Holy Spirit takes of what is in those unfathomable depths and reveals it to those chosen by God. Compare Romans 11:33 where Paul speaks of ‘the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God, how unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out'.

(There are two possible renderings of the text although they do not affect the main idea. P46 and B have ‘gar' (for), Aleph A D G have ‘de' (but). The former sees the verse as carrying on the argument with new matter introduced, the latter as introducing a new element).

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