‘Brothers, let each man abide with God in whatever position he was in when he was called.'

The Christian is to commit his life to God in faith and leave it in the hands of God. He is to walk with God and let God see to his future. If God destines freedom then he should take advantage of it. But if not let him continue serving God where he is. For that is where he was when God chose to call him, and unless He indicates differently, that is where He wants him to serve. The early church contained a large number of slaves and poor people. Such are often most easily and profitably helped by their own.

Paul followed out his own teaching. In Philippians 4:11 he could say, ‘I have learned, in whatever state I am to be content with it'. And again ‘godliness with contentment is great gain, for we have brought nothing into the world for neither can we carry anything out' (1 Timothy 6:6). And in Hebrews we read, ‘be free from the love of money, content with such things as you have' (Hebrews 13:5).

None of this means that we should not work to change things for the better. But it does mean that we should do it for love of Christ and not for personal gain, because we are righting what we know to be wrong, and not because we are seeking our own advancement.

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