‘Because it is contained in scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: And he who believes on him will not be put to shame.'

Peter then cites Isaiah 28:16 as ‘Scripture', that is as the written word of God. (Peter often drops the article when others would include it). Here in Isaiah the coming King (promised in Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 11:1; Isaiah 32:1) can be seen as the chief cornerstone of His people, chosen by God and precious, and as the One in Whom all can put their trust without fear of their being confounded or proved to be foolish. The cornerstone was the initial stone, often laid as a foundation stone around which the whole building was built up. Having initially been laid, everything was lined up with it, and in a sense the whole building rested on it. It was the central focus of the building. Elsewhere Jesus is also described as the foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11), and, as here, is to be seen as the substratum of the whole, the unique stone on which, and around which, the whole building is built.

‘And he who believes on him will not be put to shame.' And this living cornerstone is such that whoever relies on Him will not have reason to regret it.

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