They Can Go Forward In Confidence to Face Whatever Comes Knowing That The Victory Over Suffering Has Already Been Won (1 Peter 3:13 to 1 Peter 4:6).

Peter now encourages them in the face of opposition. They are not to be afraid when they suffer for righteousness' sake, but are rather to set apart Christ as holy in their hearts, and ensure that they can give a good answer concerning Him to their adversaries, doing it with a proper attitude (meekness) and in the fear of God. They must however ensure that their own behaviour is right and correct, so that their conscience is clear about all that they do. For it is better to suffer for well-doing rather than for evildoing.

In this they are to remember how Christ suffered too. And why He did so. He suffered for well-doing, for He was suffering for sin, the righteous for the unrighteous that He might bring us to God. And after that He Who was dead was made alive, and proclaimed His victory to those fallen angels still in chains under God's judgment. Righteousness had triumphed over unrighteousness. Good had triumphed over evil. The Obedient had triumphed over the disobedient. And as a result He was seated at God's right hand with all angels and heavenly authorities and powers being subjected to Him.

These words serve to confirm that the problems of the church were connected with false gods and idolatry. For here he is combating their fears by assuring them of God's victory over both. He is reminding them that when supernatural beings had previously interfered in God's affairs they had been summarily dealt with, while the righteous had been delivered. And the same was true of all that had opposed Christ. Thus in their suffering, resulting from the attitude of those who worshipped false gods, His people could recognise that they were on the winning side, as their baptism, which indicated their right attitude of heart and conscience, confirmed. They were thus, by their suffering, having their part in the final victory. And even if they should die under persecution, they can be sure that they will then be made alive in the spirit along with Him (1 Peter 4:6).

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