The Anointing Of David: His Rise, His Successes And His Preservation By YHWH Until The Death Of Saul (16-31).

Commencing with his anointing this second half of the book traces David's introduction to the court, his rise to be a powerful general and subsequent victories against the Philistines, his coming under the suspicion of Saul, his flight from Saul and struggles for survival, (along with a band of men whom he builds up who will be the foundation of his future success), his magnanimity towards Saul as YHWH's ‘anointed' when he has him at his mercy, all finally leading up to Saul's death fighting against the Philistines.

SECTION 3. 16:1-20:42. The Rise And Preservation of David.

There is a certain irony in what follows. The people had chosen a king in order that they might find security in him, but their security is now to be revealed as resting in a war leader by the name of David, on whom YHWH has poured out His Spirit as He did on the judges of old. So it turns out that they are after all still dependent on YHWH to provide them with a war leader, and this is because of the failure of their king who cannot, for example, cope even with Goliath, as a result of the fact that the Spirit of YHWH is no longer on him. How much wiser they would have been to continue to trust in YHWH and look only to Him. When we think that we know better than God it can only result in disillusionment.

A). The Rise Of David (16:1-18:4).


a Samuel Anoints David As The Prospective King And The Spirit Of YHWH Comes Mightily On Him (1 Samuel 16:1).

b Saul's Psychiatric Problems Result In The Introduction Of David To Saul's Court As The Son Of Jesse.

c Goliath And The Philistines Challenge Israel (1 Samuel 17:1).

d David Is Appalled That An Uncircumcised Philistine Dares To Defy The Armies Of The Living God (1 Samuel 17:20).

e David Offers To Fight Goliath And Is Accepted As Saul's Champion (1 Samuel 17:31).

d David Challenges Goliath For Daring To Defy The Armies Of The Living God (1 Samuel 17:40).

c The Philistines Are Routed (17:51-54).

b Saul Enquires Into David's Antecedents (1 Samuel 17:53).

a Jonathan, The Heir Apparent, Gives To David His Own Armour Out Of His Love For Him (1 Samuel 18:1).

Note that in ‘a' David is anointed by Samuel thus coming under covenant to YHWH and the Spirit of YHWH comes on him, and in the parallel David is accepted by Jonathan, the heir apparent, and comes under covenant to Jonathan the king's son. In ‘b' Saul's court is introduced to David's antecedents, and in the parallel Saul seeks to know his antecedents. In ‘c' Goliath and the Philistines challenge Israel, and in the parallel Goliath is routed. In ‘d' David is appalled that Goliath dare defy the living God, and in the parallel David challenges Goliath for daring to defy the living God. Centrally in ‘'e' David is accepted as Saul's champion.

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