Stay with me, and do not be afraid. For he who seeks my life seeks your life. For with me you will be under protection.”

And then he assured Abiathar that he would be safe with him. For really they were in the same boat. The one who sought David's life also sought Abiathar's life. Thus Abiathar would enjoy the same protection, both from YHWH and from David's men, as David himself did. Saul's verdicts could not reach him here. This was another turning point in Saul's evil life. He had lost the Priest of YHWH to David, who could therefore from now on consult the oracle and have official dealings with YHWH, and be given legitimacy in the eyes of YHWH's people. That Saul, when he came to his senses, realised this comes out in that he appointed Zadok, of the line of Eleazar, as his High Priest, for Zadok also turns up later as High Priest at the Sanctuary whilst Abiathar was still alive. But the Urim and the Thummim were seemingly now with David (1 Samuel 23:6), and as we shall see, he uses them shortly.

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