1). The Reign of Jehoram king of Israel c. 852-841 BC: War With Moab (2 Kings 3:1).

The interlude of Elisha's succession to Elijah having taken place in preparation for the future, the narrative now returns to the reigns of the kings of Israel. This interlude, deliberately excluded from the continuing narrative of the history of the kings (in that it comes after the record of Ahaziah's death and before the record of Jehoram's accession), is clear evidence that the prophetic author was not just giving us a history of the kings, something which as we have already seen has been made abundantly clear. Of equal importance to him were the prophets who affected the lives of the kings, and maintained the faith of the remnant in Israel and Judah, and here Elisha was being seen as ‘crowned' before any mention of the crowning of Jehoram, throughout whose reign he would operate.

The commencement of the reign of Jehoram having now been described in the usual manner, the incident that follows, resulting from the invasion of Moab in order to counter a rebellion, nearly ended in catastrophe. It would be the first official call on Elisha by the king of Israel, which he made clear that he only heeded because of the presence of the godly Jehoshaphat. The relationship between prophet and king is being laid down immediately. Elisha acted to save the day, but the consequent victory was marred by the action of the king of Moab in sacrificing his son which ‘brought wrath on Israel'.

The passage divides up into four subsections:

A. Introduction To The Reign of Jehoram, King Of Israel (2 Kings 3:1).  B. Mesha of Moab Seeks To Free Moab From Being Tributary To Israel (2 Kings 3:4).  C. The Invasion Plan Goes Wrong And The Invaders Find Themselves In Jeopardy Through Lack Of Water With The Result That Jehoshaphat Desires The Advice Of A Prophet Of YHWH (2 Kings 3:8).  D. YHWH's Provision For The Alliance Forces And The Subjugation Of Moab Which Has However An Unfortunate Consequence In Mesha's Child-Sacrifice (2 Kings 3:15).

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