Paul's Message (13:17-41).

Paul's message divides into three parts.

· In the first he declares the goodness and faithfulness of the One God, Who over long centuries, commencing with Abraham (‘chose our fathers'), has acted on behalf of His chosen people, making them great in the land of Egypt, and then delivering them with a mighty arm, watching over them like a nursing father in the wilderness and defeating powerful nations in order to give them their inheritance. Thus he is affirming the truth of the ancient records which they have received from the beginning, linking Abraham whom God first called, via His redemption of His people, and watch over them in the wilderness, to their final reception of the inheritance in the land (and later to David and the Messiah). All, he declares, came from the One God Who had revealed His mercy and compassion towards them (Acts 13:17).

· In the second he points out how God continually supplied the leadership and guidance that they needed, providing greater and greater rulers under God, reaching their epitome in David, but all finally leading up to great David's greater Son, Whom men hung on a tree, but Whom God raised again. He then demonstrates this to have been witnessed both by men and by the evidence of Scripture (Acts 13:20)

· And in the third he makes his appeal, calling them to respond and receive forgiveness and ‘justification' (a being accounted as righteous) so that they may be freed from all their guilt and sin. For this is God's great work (Acts 13:38).

Paul's Message - Part 1. The Goodness and Sovereignty of the One God In Action As the Basis for What He Has Done (Acts 13:17).

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