“And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption, he has spoken in this way, ‘I will give you the holy blessings (ta hosia) of David, the sure ones.' ”

A further Scripture that evidences the rising again from the dead of the coming greater David is Isaiah 55:3. There God had declared, ‘I will give you the holy blessings of David, the sure ones'. Those holy and sure blessings signified the promises in 2 Samuel 7, the promises in the end of eternal unceasing kingship. But if the Messiah was first to die then this eternal kingship also could only be fulfilled by His resurrection to everlasting life. For only as the One Who would live everlastingly could He receive eternal blessing and eternal kingship. Thus the promise of these ‘sure blessings' (ta hosia) in the Scriptures was the guarantee of His resurrection and eternal kingship.

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