“Because he says also in another psalm, ‘You will not give Your Holy One (ton hosion) to see corruption.' For David, after he had in his own generation served the counsel of God, fell asleep, and was laid with his fathers, and saw corruption, but he whom God raised up saw no corruption.”

And a third Scripture which declared the resurrection, which linked with the second by association (ta hosia with ton hosion) was Psalms 16:10, where the Psalmist had stated, ‘You will not give Your Holy One to see corruption.' Now, says Paul, it was quite clear that David had seen corruption. He fulfilled God's wisdom in his own generation, and then fell asleep and was laid with his fathers and saw corruption (compare notes on Acts 2:24). But the Scripture asserts that the true Holy One would not see corruption. Of whom then could the Psalmist be speaking? The answer is, of course, of the greater David, the promised One of the house of David.

It must be recognised that the Jews saw the Psalms as revealing the words of the Holy Spirit. All Davidic Psalms were therefore seen as applying in principle to the whole house of David. As each ‘David' sang them he could apply them to himself. And as the people sang them they could apply them to each ‘David'. But all recognised that in the end some parts of each Psalm could only apply to the one in whom they were fulfilled, and no one doubted that that fulfilment would come. Thus there was a sense in which every Davidic Psalm was Messianic, for all would apply to the Messiah in so far as they were true of Him and had not previously been fulfilled.

So He it is Who is the true Holy One. And as such He is incorruptible. Thus He had had to be raised up within three days so that he saw no corruption. For he Who was God's true Holy One could not possibly be subject to corruption. His sanctification precluded it. Such a thing could not happen to God's Holy One.

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