‘And when they were at Salamis, they proclaimed the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews, and they had also John as their attendant'.

Arriving at Salamis, on the east coast, which was the island's most important city (although Paphos was the capital), they went to the synagogues and proclaimed the word of God. This was to be their constant practise. To the Jew first. Their fellow-Jews must be given every opportunity to respond to their Messiah, for among them were many who had been prepared for His coming by God. It would be in the same synagogues that the earlier preachers had enjoyed their successes (Acts 11:19).

Along with them in the synagogues would be God-fearers, those who had also demonstrated their desire for the One God and for His moral ways. Both Jews and God-fearers included among them those who were good ground awaiting the seed. They were an opportunity not to be squandered.

‘They had also John as their attendant.' John Mark (Acts 12:25) had gone along with them to act as their assistant in many ways, and probably as a trainee.

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