‘And this became known to all, both Jews and Greeks, who dwelt at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.'

And the result of this demonstration, both of the power of the name of Jesus, and of the treatment of exorcists who misused it, became widely known in Ephesus, both among Jews and Gentiles. And all were filled with awe. And the name of the LORD Jesus was magnified.

So as a result of the activities of Paul through the successful proclamation of the word of the LORD (Acts 19:10) and the Kingly Rule of God (Acts 19:8), and the performing of signs and wonders (Acts 19:11), and the casting out of evil spirits (Acts 19:12), and as a result of this abject failure of the sons of Sceva as they misused the name of the LORD Jesus and suffered for it (Acts 19:13), so that the power of the Name was further revealed, great glory came to the Name of the LORD Jesus. Many in Ephesus whose usual cry had been ‘Great is Artemis (Diana) of the Ephesians' (Acts 19:28; Acts 19:34), now instead cried ‘Great is the Name of the LORD Jesus'. For while one had a magnificent Temple and lured men into the occult, and into buying silver shrines, and into possession by evil spirits, the Other transformed men's lives, healed those who were sick, triumphed over evil spirits and rid men of them, and delivered men from their sins and from the occult and caused them to burn their books which were worth large amounts of silver (Acts 19:19). We are reminded of the contrast in the words of Peter in Acts 3:6, ‘silver and gold have I none, but what I have I give you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk'.

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