‘But as the time of the promise drew near which God had vouchsafed to Abraham, the people grew and multiplied in Egypt, until there arose another king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.'

As a result of God's deliverance through Joseph, Israel prospered. ‘The people grew and multiplied', which was always an indication of God's blessing. But as the time for the fulfilling of God's promise of deliverance from Egypt approached, affliction came on the people. A king arose who did not know Joseph (Exodus 1:8). God's deliverer was now forgotten and therefore it would be necessary to await another deliverer. And before the coming of the deliverer must come the bondage. (Thus the fact that Israel was at present in bondage should have meant that they were looking for the deliverer).

Was there also here a hint to the leaders that the new people of Christ were growing and multiplying outside of and apart from the influence of the Jewish leaders, but facing a threat from those who did not know their Deliverer?

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